State of the Art Radar for Sabah
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22 April 2012
Joint Regional Command Centre (JRCC) of the Ops Pasir. Ops Pasir is a cronim from Operasi Pandanan And Sipadan Island Resort (photo : military of malaysia)
SANDAKAN: The armed forces will install better defence equipment at the northern sector of its Pasir Operation (Op Pasir) in Sabah soon.
The equipment, including a state-of-the-art radar and communications system, are needed to better safeguard the state's islands and coastal areas which are major tourist spots.
Sekian blog PERTAHANAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA ini memberikan informasi tentang kekuatan militer indonesia, alutsista indonesia, pesawat tempur, kapal perang, kapal selam, dan marinir dengan artikel tentang State of the Art Radar for Sabah semoga bermanfaat. Terimakasih telah membaca blog PERTAHANAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA.
Joint Regional Command Centre (JRCC) of the Ops Pasir. Ops Pasir is a cronim from Operasi Pandanan And Sipadan Island Resort (photo : military of malaysia)
SANDAKAN: The armed forces will install better defence equipment at the northern sector of its Pasir Operation (Op Pasir) in Sabah soon.
The equipment, including a state-of-the-art radar and communications system, are needed to better safeguard the state's islands and coastal areas which are major tourist spots.
Armed forces chief Gen Tan Sri Zulkifeli Mohd Zin said he would also seek more funding from the government to provide better facilities for the soldiers at the operation's frontline.
"The equipment that we have now is adequate for our country's defence.
"However, it would be better to have the latest technologies," he said at Pulau Lankayan here yesterday.
Op Pasir is an operation initiated by the government in September 2000 to safeguard all islands and resorts off the east coast of Sabah, following two kidnappings by Abu Sayyaf militants at Pulau Sipadan and Pulau Pandanan.
Zulkifeli was on a two-day official visit to the armed forces' frontline camps there, which ended yesterday.
Zulkifeli believed that the money spent by the government to deploy military forces for Op Pasir was "worth it" as tourists were now flocking to the area as they felt it was safe.
Zaid said his visit to the camps there (the northern sector), which was being manned by soldiers from the Royal Malay Regiment's 10th Battalion, was also aimed at boosting his men's morale and to find out if they had any problems.
Sekian blog PERTAHANAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA ini memberikan informasi tentang kekuatan militer indonesia, alutsista indonesia, pesawat tempur, kapal perang, kapal selam, dan marinir dengan artikel tentang State of the Art Radar for Sabah semoga bermanfaat. Terimakasih telah membaca blog PERTAHANAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA.
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