Spyder will be Fully Operational

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03 Maret 2011

Spyder-SR air defence system (photo : Mindef)

Surface-to-Air PYthon-5 and DERby - Short-Range Air Defence System (SPYDER-SR)

The Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) will be replacing its 30-year old RAPIER air defence system with the Surface-to-air PYthon-5 and DERby – Short-Range (SPYDER-SR) ground base air defence system. The SPYDER-SR will form part of the 3rd Generation RSAF Networked Air Defence capability that builds upon the existing multi-layered air defence system to further strengthen Singapore's air defences. An all-weather air defence system, the SPYDER-SR will enhance the RSAF's capability to effectively deal with a wide spectrum of aerial threats.

The main components of the SPYDER-SR air defence system – one command and control unit (CCU), four mobile firing units (MFU), 16 Python 5 and Derby missiles and a missile supply vehicle. (image : Army Technology)

The capabilities of the SPYDER-SR air defence system include :

-Anti-aircraft and anti-missile capability. The SPYDER-SR is a quick reaction surface-to-air missile system capable of engaging a wide spectrum of aerial threats ranging from fighter aircraft, helicopters and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to precision-guided munitions. The SPYDER-SR is able to employ both the Python-5 and Derby missiles which are fitted with infrared imaging and radio frequency seekers respectively.

-Enhanced effectiveness. Compared to the RAPIER, the SPYDER-SR possesses a longer range for interception and higher altitude. These enhanced capabilities will provide Singapore with an extended air defence envelope against aerial threats. It is also equipped with a 360 degree engagement capability and is able to engage multiple aerial targets simultaneously.

-Enhanced awareness and responsiveness. Integrated into the RSAF’s Networked Air Defence system, the SPYDER-SR will be able to tap on a real-time integrated air picture created by the RSAF’s wide array of sensors. This gives the SPYDER-SR the ability to respond faster and engage targets with greater precision.

Technical Specifications:


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