Searcher UAV will be Replaced by Heron I

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03 Maret 2011

Heron UAV (photo : Mindef)

Heron 1 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

The Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) will be taking delivery of the Heron 1 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), a medium altitude UAV, in 2011 to replace the Searcher-class UAV that has been in service in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) since 1994. The Heron 1 UAV features state-of-the-art avionics, detection capabilities and communication systems, as well as a fully automatic take-off and landing capability. Its longer flight endurance and better surveillance capabilities will provide the SAF with better situational awareness in the field and enhance mission effectiveness.

The capabilities of the RSAF’s Heron 1 UAV include:
Multi-mission Optronic Stabilised Payload (MOSP). The Heron 1 UAV carries a MOSP equipped with a 3rd Generation Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) system to allow the aircraft to effectively perform a wide array of missions, including target acquisition and area surveillance operations. This increases the battlefield awareness for the SAF's ground forces.

Searcher UAV (photo : cyberpioneer)

Autonomous Flight and Automatic Take Off and Landing (ATOL) system. The Heron 1 UAV is capable of autonomous flight and is equipped with an ATOL system. A desired flight route can be scheduled prior to launch, with the UAV returning to a pre-designated recovery point at the end of the mission. This allows the UAV operators to focus on collecting and processing information instead of flight operations, thus enhancing the timeliness of information disseminated to the ground units.

Ground Control Station (GCS). The Heron 1 UAV is operated from a GCS which allows the UAV pilot to send control signals to the platform. The GCS also undertakes the processing, retrieving and storing of flight information and real-time images captured by the UAV.

Technical Specifications:


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