CAE to Provide National Modelling and Simulation Centre to Brunei

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17 Februari 2011
CAE Presagis for modelling and simulation (photo : CAE)

Montreal, Canada, – CAE today announced it has been awarded a contract from the Ministry of Defence of Brunei to develop a state-of-the-art National Modelling and Simulation Centre (NMSC).

The NMSC will be located in the Knowledge Hub at Anggerek Desa, which is part of a technology park being developed by the Brunei Economic Development Board. The NMSC will be used by the Royal Brunei Armed Forces and Ministry to Defence to analyze force structure options, evaluate and validate capabilities, develop doctrine and tactics, and support training and mission rehearsal exercises.

As part of the project, CAE will design, develop and deliver a turnkey and fully integrated National Modelling and Simulation Centre. This will include the facility, simulation software, computer and networking infrastructure, tactical control centre, database development, systems integration services, synthetic environment and scenario development and ongoing support services.

The NMSC will also be used by other government agencies in Brunei to conduct research and development, experimentation, and training in their respective areas.

“The benefits of simulation for training are well-known, but modelling and simulation is also ideal for supporting analysis and operational decision-making,” said Martin Gagné, CAE’s Group President, Military Products, Training and Services. “We are excited to be working with the Ministry of Defence in Brunei to create a world-class modelling and simulation centre that will facilitate joint, multi-agency planning, analysis, and training as well as improved decision-making.”


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