CV90, RG41 Offer Insight Into Future of Australian Land Combat System

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18 November 2010

BAE Systems CV-90 (photo : BAE Systems)

BAE Systems has outlined its vision for the future of the Land 400 program by revealing details of two armoured combat vehicles that would deliver superior survivability, mobility and sustainability to Australian warfighters.

The company is using the 2010 Australian Land Warfare Conference to discuss its tracked CV90 MkIII Armadillo and wheeled RG41 vehicles that could form the core of the Australian Defence Force's future land combat force.

These vehicles represent the latest examples of the best of BAE Systems' global experience, skills and technology in developing proven armoured fighting vehicles, according to Land & Integrated Systems Director Kim Scott.

Mr Scott said BAE Systems recently responded to an Australian Government invitation to register interest in Land 400 by providing details of more than 10 vehicles that could potentially fulfil the multiple roles required by the ADF.

"For example, the experience gained in delivering 1,110 CV90 Infantry Fighting Vehicles to six of the most technically sophisticated of the world's armies has been incorporated into the new Armadillo."

BAE Systems RG-41 (photo : BAE Systems)

"As a tracked armoured vehicle, the Armadillo balances extremely high protection, high mobility, and high payload. Internally, it is equipped to accommodate and integrate the digitally equipped infantry of the future."

An important feature of the Armadillo is component commonality and modularity across the turreted, personnel carrier and engineering variants, achieving 65 per cent to 88 per cent commonality.

This is a major contributor to the low logistic footprint, aimed at minimising the total cost-of-ownership. With available payload provision of 16 tonnes, the designers have also achieved a modular tracked vehicle and a flexible family of role variants.

The RG41 is the latest in a line of armoured combat vehicles that draws on BAE Systems' experience as one of the world's most prolific providers of armoured protection systems over the past 40years.

Mr Scott said: "Our company's global experience in protecting soldiers against IEDs, mines, rocket, and ballistic threats has been incorporated into the RG-41.
The RG41 provides a tough, secure and versatile solution for the wheeled element of Land 400."

Vehicle weight is up to 30 tonnes, including a high payload capacity of 11 tonnes. It can accommodate 11, including driver, vehicle commander and nine soldiers.

Affordability is a leading consideration driving the procurement of wheeled protected vehicles - so the RG41 is based on COTS and MOTS components, minimising the use of specialised items.

Another innovative feature is the modular, field-repairable, mine-protected design on the vehicle's underside, achieved by the use of bolt-on blast modules.

"Through the Land 400 project, the ADF is seeking to re-equip its land combat forces with a range of systems that are more survivable, capable and interoperable.

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