NH-90 NFH Arrives in Australia for Demo Tour

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23 Januari 2010

NH-90 NFH helicopter (photo : Airliners)

The new generation NH90 NFH (NATO Frigate Helicopter) naval helicopter has arrived in Brisbane Australia. It has been transported from Milan Italy to Brisbane in one of the biggest aircrafts in the world, the ANTONOV 124 along with the PT1 NH90 Demonstrator.

During this demonstration tour, the audience composed of Public, Australian military and political authorities will have the opportunity to assist to several flight demonstrations as well as static display presentations of the helicopter in Brisbane, Sidney (Pacific 2010), Nowra Navy Base. The NH90 NFH will be displayed with its complete mission and weapon suites.

The NH90 NFH is proposed by Australian Aerospace and NHIndustries for the replacement of the ageing fleet of Seahawks naval helicopters in the Royal Australian Navy.

The NH90 NFH is currently the most modern helicopter in its class, it is a true multirole aircraft able to perform a wide spectrum of missions such as Search and Rescue, support, utility, anti piracy, Antiship and Anti Submarine missions anytime anywhere. It has been designed to operate from a ship or a land base.

This 21st century helicopter, currently in production for several European countries, is delivered with the most up to date sensors, equipments and weapon system available on the market in order to achieve mission success without compromise on the crew’s safety.

The NH90 features a quadruple redundant Fly By Wire system, a wide, corrosion free, fully composite fuselage as well as a very effective floatation gear.

Its unique wide cabin , fitted with a mobile rear ramp as well as its integrated mission system allow the NFH’s crews to perform several missions in the same flight. This versatility explains why the NH90 NFH is the new world reference in term of naval military helicopter.

The NH90 NFH shares a high degree of commonality with the MRH90 already produced by Australian Aerospace in Australia and in service in the Australian Army and Navy. This 80% commonality between the NH90 naval and tactical transport versions allow its users to rationalise their helicopter fleets in order to make substantial savings.

The twin-engine, medium-size NH90 helicopter is provided by the consortium NHIndustries, the Company owned by AgustaWestland (32%), Eurocopter (62,5%), and Fokker (5,5%).

The NH90 helicopter programme is the largest ever launched in Europe, with firm orders now reaching 529 units to equip and modernize the Armed Forces of France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Greece, Oman, Australia, New-Zealand, Spain and Belgium. Final negotiation steps are yet under process with several other Defence Forces to secure contracts concerning additional NH90, both in the Tactical Transport and Naval versions.


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